
Light Description

An automotive collective that runs enthusiast-events at unique locations across Europe.

Project details
Delusion Collective
Brand strategy / logo design / web design
Date Created
4 weeks

The problem

Car enthusiasts come in all different shapes and sizes. The organisers behind Delusion had the vision to bring together all enthusiasts in different cities around Europe for a handful of events scattered throughout the year. The brand also sponsors other events with a more specialised audience, and a few, select experimental builds.

The organisation consists of four garage owners with connections to race teams, part-suppliers and location scouts. They needed an identity to brand the events.

The Solution

To brand themselves cohesively across different events, venues and associate themselves with other organisations, we agreed that a visual identity was necessary. We initially started off with some discovery of similar organisations and events already held around the globe.


The time spent on discovery at the start really saved us complications in the later stages. Delusion now has a logo that can stand alongside similar organisations and their previous associates.

The collective is now recognised as a contributor to three events in 2021 and has a designated award at each event. The organisers have no plans to expand their core team in the foreseeable future but have started development on further branding and a website to showcase their events.

logo references

Custom Car Culture

  • Aftermarket Part Manufacturers
  • Event Organisers
  • OEMs
  • Motorsport Teams
  • Enthusiasts
  • Garages
  • Automotive artists
  • Tuners
logo scribbles
logo scribbles
delusion logo concept
delusion logo concept
delusion logo concept


  • Logo design
  • Identity Asset Creation
  • Stock Photo Sourcing
  • Website Design
  • Event Graphics
delusion logo card mockup
Logo Development
banner flag mockup
keychain mockup
Hoodie mockup
delusion graphic element
Secondary Brand Elements
delusion key card mockup
Cars are the sculptures of our everyday lives.
Chris Bangle
branded car show
delusion website mockup
car windscreen mockup

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